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Blockchain technology is poised to revolutionize the way the digital world handles data and does business. Initially created as a platform for supporting Bitcoin, Blockchain is demonstrating a level of versatility and security that has made many sectors of business and government take notice and begin putting it to their use.

With that in mind, it makes sense that if you want to jump into a career that has a lot of potential for growth, featuring a dynamic new technology that’s just getting started, then you should consider becoming a Blockchain developer.

If this prospect intrigues you, and you want to know how to become a Blockchain developer, then read on and find out all you need to know about this exciting and intriguing profession.

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What Does a Blockchain Developer Do?
The wise yet short answer to this is: a Blockchain developer develops Blockchains! Well, that was easy!

Now that we got that out of our system let’s take a serious look at what a Blockchain developer does. To best answer this question, we first need to establish that there are two different types of Blockchain developers; there’s the Core Blockchain Developer and the Blockchain Software Developer. Call them sub-divisions of Blockchain development.

A Core Blockchain Developer designs the security and the architecture of the proposed Blockchain system. In essence, the Core Blockchain Developer creates the foundation upon which others will then build upon.

What “others” are we referring to? That would be the Blockchain Software Developers, of course, who use the core web architecture built by the Developer to create apps, specifically the decentralized (dapps) and web varieties.

Perhaps there may be situations where the same person fulfills both roles, most likely in cases where the business is small, and people traditionally wear more than one hat. Whatever the case, the everyday responsibilities and roles of the Blockchain developer are:

Design the Blockchain protocols
Design the network architecture that can be used for the centralizing or decentralizing the data
Backend development according to the Blockchain protocols
Developing front-end designs according to client requirements
Developing and monitoring any smart contracts
The Blockchain developer’s responsibility is to develop innovative solutions to challenging problems, including solutions for command and control, and high integrity. The developer also performs complex analysis, design, development, testing, and computer software debugging, specifically for distinct product hardware or for technical service lines of businesses. Develops perform software design, operating architecture integration, and computer system selection. Finally, they operate on multiple systems and apply knowledge of one or more platforms and programming languages.

Of course, obstacles are awaiting the Blockchain developer. For instance, the developer has to work with legacy infrastructure and its limitations, while still meeting the expectations inherent in a Blockchain development project. Also, there are the challenges of understanding the technical practicality of implementing decentralized cryptosystems, processes that fall outside of the traditional IT development skill-set, which means a Blockchain developer needs specialized skills.

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How Does One Become a Blockchain Developer?
So, after all of that, the questions present itself: with all of these responsibilities, how does one train someone with the necessary skills to let them rise to the challenge of Blockchain development? There are two different situations at work here. There are the Blockchain hopefuls who are starting completely from scratch, having no background in programming whatsoever, and those who have experience in careers that share similarities with Blockchain.

What Kind of Mindset Do You Need to Become a Blockchain Developer?
Before we dive into those two different types of people aspiring to become Blockchain developers, it may help to familiarize ourselves with the kind of mindsets that are best suited for Blockchain developers. After all, the unique challenges of Blockchain development require a certain unique way of thinking.

Whenever you hear the word “hacker” spoken aloud, it’s not usually in a positive light; no self-respecting business wants anything to do with hackers (well, except for ethical hackers, but that’s a different story for a different time). However, it’s precisely the hacker mentality that helps make good Blockchain developers. That’s because hackers tend to think outside the box when faced with problems and obstacles, rather than engage in conventional thinking.

Furthermore, a good Blockchain developer works well with a team and can collaborate. On a related point, the ideal Blockchain developer knows when to ask for help with a problem and when to keep plugging away by themselves until they arrive at the answer.

So the best candidate for Blockchain development works well with others, knows his or her limitations, and can unconventionally approach problems.

For Those Who Are Completely New to Programming and Development
If you’re someone who wants to become a Blockchain developer but has no related skills or experience to build a foundation on, then frankly, the road is going to be a little tougher for you and will require more work and dedication.

Fortunately, there is hope! Here are some steps that anyone coming from such a place, but yet is interested in a Blockchain developer career can take.

Learn Why Blockchain Was Needed in the First Place
The story of Blockchain is the story of Bitcoin, as the latter is the reason that the former exists. Blockchain was designed as a platform for Bitcoin, allowing it to become a reality. To this end, an aspiring Blockchain developer should become familiar with Bitcoin, including actually purchasing some cryptocurrency to get one’s feet wet. Additionally, check out Bitcoin forums featured on Reddit, stay current on Blockchain news on Coindesk, and take a glance at some cryptocurrency vlogs on YouTube. Any research you can do, any immersion in the world of cryptocurrency you can manage will be to your advantage.
Learn about Blockchain Development
As silly as their names sound, CryptoZombies and Space Doggos are courses that help you learn Solidity Code, which in turn is the code used in writing smart contracts, putting you on the right path to mastering Blockchain development. Space Doggos is particularly useful, as you use actual Solidity code in designing your space dog. These are fun and entertaining ways of getting a grasp on Blockchain’s development, and possibly a bit less intimidating.
Understanding Different Programming Languages
A good Blockchain developer needs to be comfortable with a selection of programming languages. For instance, C++, SQL, JavaScript, and Python languages are good examples. If you are already proficient in a couple of them, then great!
Take Blockchain Developer Courses
When it comes to acquiring relevant, marketable skills, there’s nothing as good as taking courses through an accredited training provider. Keep reading; there is more about this later.
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Transitioning to Blockchain Developer From a Similar Career
Upskilling is the process of teaching an employee new skills. This process is particularly useful when it comes to creating new Blockchain developers from other, similar positions in the business. Some companies, keenly aware of the growing importance of the Blockchain technology, will upskill individual employees, empowering them to handle the new tech.

If you are someone who’s working at a business that pays for your upskilling costs and wants to put you in the position of Blockchain developer, remember that you will be obliged to stay with that company for at least a specific period. After all, businesses aren’t in the habit of paying from employees’ training, only to make them more marketable elsewhere!

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