Is Now A Good Time to Buy Ethereum?
The answer to the question, “Should I buy Ethereum?” is often yes. It’s one of the most popular and well-known cryptocurrencies in the world.
It’s much more difficult to answer a more advanced question, “Should I buy Ethereum now?” Read on to learn how to judge for yourself.
Recent Ethereum Price Changes
ETH price is currently $362.27.
However, by the time I finish this section, the ETH price could be very different. This is why it is hard to answer the “Should I buy Ethereum now” question with an unambiguous “Yes.”
Supply and demand control Ether's price, like everything else in the world.
If more people want to buy Ether than there are sellers, the price goes up. If more people want to sell Ether than there are buyers, the price goes down.
At the beginning of the year, the ETH price was $128, then, in slightly more than a month it increased by about 100% and ETH was worth about $255. It followed by a sudden drop and ETH price started increasing again. Currently, ETH price is $362, however, at the beginning of September 2021, it was worth $480.
Should I Buy Ethereum? All You Need to Make An Informed Decision
Source: Coindesk.
Where some would say that it’s a sign that everyone should dump (sell) their Ether, others would find it an excellent time to invest in this coin.
If you believe that the price of ETH cryptocurrency will continue to increase and decide to purchase it, you should remember to keep them in secure wallets, such as Ledger Nano S and Trezor Model T.
You will learn about investing in the Ethereum blockchain later.
How Do I Find Recent Ethereum Price Changes Myself?
There are several ways to check the price of Ether yourself and see how it changes over time.
There’s, CoinDesk, CoinMarketCap and many more. Find the one you like the most.
Many cryptocurrency price tracking tools can show Ether’s price in real-time.
They can also give you a graph showing how it changed over the last day, week, month, six months, or even a year. The tools we linked above definitely can.
How Do I Decide If I Should Buy Ethereum Now?
The answer to the question, “Should I buy Ethereum now?” is “Yes,” if you believe in the principles behind its coin, Ether.
When asked, “Should I buy Ethereum now?”, numerous Ethereum pessimists say that it’s not worth it. According to them, it’s better to get smaller coins. They expect to take these smaller coins to the not-bank when they blow up in value. The pessimists do have a point in some of their arguments. They criticize the slow Ethereum transaction speed and increasing supply.
Ethereum enthusiasts point to Vitalik Buterin’s statement that it is a good idea to drop Ether issuance to zero in time. It would stop Ether supply from growing and raise the price. Because of supply %story% demand. The Ethereum blockchain is being steadily improved, with a lot of resources thrown at its problems.
Should I Buy Ethereum? All You Need to Make An Informed Decision
To answer the essential question of “Should I buy Ethereum now?” for yourself, think of it like a basketball game. You can choose a promising, yet utterly unproven rookie for your team. He may become LeBron James in the future or get injured and never reach his potential. These are the promising smaller coins, the “next Ethereum.”
You can choose a proven veteran with a team of personal coaches who are helping him improve every day, even though the hype has died down. In other words, Ethereum.
Both options have their pros and cons; the decision is ultimately up to you.
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